Huis Kopen in Valencia ,Toegang tot Exclusieve Vastgoedkansen
Ontdek unieke mogelijkheden voor vastgoedinvesteringen in Valencia met Livin’Valencia.
Wij gaan verder dan enkel vastgoedadvies: bij Livin’Valencia zien wij onszelf als uw echte partners om u te helpen navigeren op de vastgoedmarkt van Valencia. Ons team is toegewijd om u gepersonaliseerde diensten te bieden, afgestemd op uw behoeften, om uitzonderlijke eigendommen te vinden in deze prachtige mediterrane stad.
Met Livin’Valencia realiseert u uw vastgoedproject met vertrouwen. Ontdek samen met ons de beste aanbiedingen op de markt.
We offer a service exclusively dedicated to the buyer’s interests
We will guide you through the buying process to achieve an efficient result:
buying your home safely, risk-free and without the frustrations of being alone and inexperienced.
We are professional real estate advisors dedicated exclusively to buyers. We have no property to sell or rent, therefore we are able to provide independent advice without any conflict of interest; we are paid directly by clients, regardless of who the seller is. By adopting our client’s vision, we will find the property that best suits their needs.
We offer a service exclusively dedicated to the buyer’s interests
We will guide you through the buying process to achieve an efficient result:
buying your home safely, risk-free and without the frustrations of being alone and inexperienced.
We are professional real estate advisors dedicated exclusively to buyers. We have no property to sell or rent, therefore we are able to provide independent advice without any conflict of interest; we are paid directly by clients, regardless of who the seller is. By adopting our client’s vision, we will find the property that best suits their needs.
We offer a service exclusively dedicated to the buyer’s interests
We will guide you through the buying process to achieve an efficient result:
buying your home safely, risk-free and without the frustrations of being alone and inexperienced.
We are professional real estate advisors dedicated exclusively to buyers. We have no property to sell or rent, therefore we are able to provide independent advice without any conflict of interest; we are paid directly by clients, regardless of who the seller is. By adopting our client’s vision, we will find the property that best suits their needs.
We offer a service exclusively dedicated to the buyer’s interests
We will guide you through the buying process to achieve an efficient result:
buying your home safely, risk-free and without the frustrations of being alone and inexperienced.
We are professional real estate advisors dedicated exclusively to buyers. We have no property to sell or rent, therefore we are able to provide independent advice without any conflict of interest; we are paid directly by clients, regardless of who the seller is. By adopting our client’s vision, we will find the property that best suits their needs.
What we do for you
The buying process
The first step involves an online/in-person meeting (depending on your availability and purchase location) where we can talk about your specifications and requirements. This allows us to understand your project, help you refine it, and to evaluate its feasibility in the current market.
It also gives us an opportunity to make sure the specifications you have in mind are compatible with what is available in the desired area.
We will share with you our extensive local knowledge about quality neighborhoods, public transport, schooling and medical options, as well as recommendations regarding cultural and restaurant highlights, shopping and commerce, natural and recreation spots, and so much more.
It includes:
– Welcome introduction meeting
– Orientation Tour through the City and/or region of your election
Once we know exactly your specifications, we can start with market research, which is the preliminary step that every buyer should take before jumping into the market. The objective is to be sure that your project is viable and fits in the market.
A refined selection of areas is made and specifications that do not meet your criteria can be tracked upon visiting locations.
We have a panoramic vision of the available properties on the market that meet your specific needs.
– We have access to properties all over the market
– We do collaborate with the most reliable real estate agencies and private owners, in order to source the best properties available
We only select properties that best fit your requirements in order to ease them the process of choosing among too many options. Thanks to our experience and knowledge of the different areas, you will know exactly if your requirements match with the preferred area.
Once the selection is done, we are ready to start scheduling the appointments to visit the properties listed. According to your availability, we will book the viewings depending on the amount you selected.
We offer several different options at this stage of the process:
Depending on your needs, we assist you by visiting with you or remotely*.
If you are unfamiliar with the area, we will be glad to show you around before visiting the properties listed.
*In case you couldn’t be there, we will visit the property and send you a complete report of it.
SURVEY (in option)
When our client feels to have found the dream property, our goal will be to make the purchase safe from the very beginning, and that’s why we recommend a survey. We will put you in contact with a professional.
– Land registry checks: to ensure the property description and legal owner match and to ascertain if any charges are pending.
– Tax checks: to ensure the current owners are up to date on payment of all taxes related to the property.
– Community checks: to ensure the property is up to date with payments to the community of owners.
We do not take the place of a lawyer and always recommend you appoint your own legal representative. But we do double-check everything.
- First meeting, let’s get to know each other (in person or remotely)
- Custom market report
- Exhaustive neighborhoods orientation tour in person or remotely
- Property search
- Property selection
- Property viewings in person or remotely
- Due diligence
- Property survey*
- Negotiation
- Preparation of signing package for Notary
*we put you in contact with one of our trusted surveyors.
- Utility contract name changes
- Property maintenance
- House renovation service
- Remote assistance after the purchase
How do we work
The first step involves an online/in-person meeting (depending on your availability) where we can talk about your specifications and requirements. This allows us to understand your project, help you refine it, and to evaluate its feasibility in the current market.
It also gives us an opportunity to make sure the specifications you have in mind are compatible with what is available in the desired neighborhood.
Once we know exactly our client’s specifications, we can start with market research, which is the preliminary step that every buyer should take before jumping into the market. The objective is to be sure that the project is viable and that it fits in the existing market.
A refined selection of areas is made and specifications that do not
meet the client’s criteria can be tracked upon visiting locations.
We have a panoramic vision of the available properties on the market that meet the client’s needs.
- We have access to properties all over the market
- We do collaborate with the most reliable real estate agencies and private owners, in order to source the best properties available
We only select properties that best fit our client’s requirements in order to ease them the process of choosing among too many options. Thanks to our experience and knowledge of the different areas, our clients will know exactly if their requirements match with the preferred area.
Once the selection is done, we are ready to start scheduling the appointments to visit the properties listed. According to our client’s availability, we will book the viewings depending on the amount selected by the client.
6th – VIEWINGS PACKAGE (UP TO 15 viewings)
We offer two different options at this stage of the process:
If you are unfamiliar with the area, we will be glad to show you around before visiting the properties listed.
In case you couldn’t be there, we will visit the property and send you a complete report of it.
7th – SURVEY*
When our client feels to have found the dream property, our goal will be making the purchase safe from the very beginning, and that’s why a survey is mandatory. We will put you in contact with a professional.
- Land registry checks: to ensure the property description and legal owner match and to ascertain if any charges are pending.
- Tax checks: to ensure the current owners are up to date on payment of all taxes related to the property.
- Community checks: to ensure the property is up to date with payments to the community of owners.
We do not take the place of a lawyer and always recommend you appoint your own legal representative. But we do double-check everything.
Wij bieden een compleet scala aan diensten die zijn ontworpen om u te ondersteunen en te begeleiden gedurende uw gehele vastgoedtraject in Valencia.
Onze diensten omvatten, maar zijn niet beperkt tot:
Wij helpen u de perfecte eigendom te vinden om uw doelen te bereiken. Wij hebben toegang tot een uitgebreid portfolio van eigendommen in Valencia, waaronder gebouwen, appartementen, villa’s en commerciële panden.
Ons team van juridische en financiële experts zorgt voor een soepel en veilig aankoopproces, met duidelijkheid en rust in elke stap.
Due diligence
Wij voeren een volledige due diligence uit op alle eigendommen om de veiligheid van uw aankoop te garanderen en ervoor te zorgen dat de eigendom aan uw verwachtingen voldoet. Dit omvat vastgoedinspecties, eigendomstitelonderzoeken en, indien nodig, financiële analyses.
Wij helpen u een strategisch aankoopplan op maat te maken voor uw doelen, of het nu gaat om residentiële behoeften, waardevermeerdering, huurinkomsten of een combinatie van beide.
Navigeer met vertrouwen door het vastgoedlandschap van Valencia. Onze diepgaande marktanalyse zorgt ervoor dat u weloverwogen aankoopbeslissingen neemt en uw rendement maximaliseert.
Onze inzet voor uw succes stopt niet bij de verkoop. Wij staan klaar om in te spelen op alle eventuele behoeften of zorgen na de aankoop, waardoor een duurzame samenwerking wordt verzekerd.
Verbind u met de besten in de industrie. Ons netwerk van professionals omvat makelaars, architecten, aannemers, juridische experts, financiële adviseurs en vastgoedbeheerders. Met Livin’Valencia heeft u toegang tot een compleet team, elk een expert in zijn vakgebied, die gezamenlijk werken om uw koopervaring te verbeteren.
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Profiteer van het Livin’Valencia-voordeel
- Lokale expertise: Onze diepgaande kennis van de markt in Valencia positioneert u voor succes.
- Maatwerkoplossingen: Wij begrijpen uw unieke behoeften en creëren aangepaste strategieën.
- Transparante processen: Wij geloven in duidelijke communicatie en transparantie in elke fase.
- Ondersteuning van begin tot eind: Van vastgoedverwerving tot portefeuillebeheer, wij zijn er voor u.